martes, 23 de marzo de 2010


les dejo este cuadro hermoso de georgia o'keefe y un poema de kenneth rexroth, que se ha convertido en mi poeta de preferencia, con una nota que encontré en el libro que compré usado.


In the encyclopedia
Are facts on which you can't improve.
As: "The clitoris is present
In all mammals. Sometimes, as in
The female hyena, it is
Very large."

the good thing about not having sex for so long is that next time I have sex, it will be pretty much like the first time: those tight tight lips and the sharp, ecstatic pain as they are torn apart once more.

The bad thing about not having sex for so long is obviously not having sex.
ja! las quiero!

2 comentarios:

Margot dijo...

eva, qué belleza!!!

Margot dijo...

y qué loco encontrar justo eso en el libro...